

3.1 Phillip Lim mini Pashli from Moda Operandi

I eye shanked a girl at Target Monday night for snatching the yellow Phillip Lim for Target version of the mini Pashli right out from under me. She then proceeded to call 3 friends to see if anyone wanted it and was using it to barter. I unfolded and refolded the same shirt 3 times waiting to see if she was going to abandon it. She didn't. I hate her. Above is the spring version of the mini Pashli from the 3.1 line. It is glorious. It is blush. And if you pre-order it from Moda Operandi, you only have to pay half now. And you won't have to pay again until March-ish. Be sure to take a gander at the beautiful full-size colors too.


  1. Isn't the pre-order Phillip Lim stuff so good??? I am seriously debating several pieces. Why why why must I be so absurd. I love your Target story btw. I'll be happy to check the Wilmington Target for a yellow mini for you.

    1. The colors.......So a friend of mine snagged me one of the tan Target versions in Athens BUT the same thing happened, she was waiting on me to respond and someone snatched ALL of the yellow! SRSLY??



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